Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores helps you to manage these stores with all types and shapes of these products, it saves your time and effort in registering manually, you can register by using the bar-code, you can get detailed invoices for selling and purchasing processes including the taxes value, you can assign the daily earnings and profits, you can control the suppliers’ accounts, you can carry out inventories for the store and have quick reports.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Al Badr point of sales software "pos" for tires and batteries stores
Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Because it’s the best sales program to manage the stores of tires and batteries through:

Suppliers and customers at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:

  • Adding data of endless number of customers.
  • Making a database for each customer.
  • Recording the accounts of suppliers and their financial transactions.
  • Recording suppliers’ data, following up all their accounts and the dates of payments.
  • Recording the payments of customers.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Purchases at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:

  • The possibility of adding different prices for your items according to different customers.
  • Registering the purchasing data of new tires and batteries with all their shapes and categories.
  • Recording the purchasing prices and following up the prices of every day.
  • Recording the data of returns.
  • Adding an image for each item as well as knowing the existed and lacking items in every branch or store.
  • Recording data of purchased items.
  • You can show the purchasing history data of every customer at any time you want.
  • It’s so easy to record and recall any items through the bar-code reader or inserting the name manually.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Sales at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:

  • Recording endless number of sale processes of the tires and batteries stores.
  • Calculating sales and the benefits totally and in details.
  • Issuing invoices to show sale processes.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Stores at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:

  • Making inventory for the stores accurately by using the bar-code.
  • Linking all these stores with the possibility of inventory the items and showing the actual existed and lacking items of tire and batteries.
  • Adding more than one store with the possibility of dividing these stores into many sections as (Main store – sub store).
  • You can login the data of any store and know the items quantity in each stores.
  • The possibility of moving items between different stores and recording these processes easily.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Al Badr software for sales and store management is the best program for sales and cashier system whose point of sales enables you to do a lot of easy selling processes in addition to it is an easy program to use with a multi-languages system and a lot of other distinctive features.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

for more online tutorials, please follow this link

Invoices at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:

  • The possibility of choosing a template for the shape and size of the invoice among many ones.
  • The possibility of revising old invoices easily.
  • The possibility of printing invoices for each supplier and customer.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Reports at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:

  • Reports for the average of sale prices.
  • Detailed reports to follow up your business daily, quickly and accurately.
  • Reports for suppliers and customers.
  • Reports for the inventory of stores.
  • Reports for sales and purchasing processes.
  • Reports for profits and losses.
  • Reports for Employees.
  • Reports for returns, stock and treasury.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

References and permissions at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:

  • You can register more than one user in this program.
  • Assigning certain references for each user as printing, deleting, adding and editing with a password for every user

There are three kinds of references for users at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:

  • Normal permissions for the user which are normal references as login the program, do a sale, add purchasing process, have a look over lacks reports and sending alerts for employees.
  • Intermediate permissions for the user which are a higher level than normal references where you can edit the sale prices, change sales date, show purchasing prices and add an item.
  • Advanced permissions for the user which are the highest level of all references by which you can manage all users, change the item data, delete items, backup and many other features.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

 Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries is an easy sales program:

  • The program supports Arabic, English and another five languages.
  • The program is easy to use and can run on all devices (computer – laptop – mobile – tablet…).
  • The program has an easy and distinctive interface, so you will not need any training or specialists for the program.
  • You can adjust the program colors with what suits your trading identity.
  • The program is compatible with all the versions of Windows, Linux and Apples, besides it supports different kind of screens.
  • The program supports the different kinds of printers.
  • There are available educational lessons for how to use the program.
  • An economical prices policy which suits different kinds of project.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Keeping safety and privacy :

  • You can make a backup copy for your database in addition to assigning the period each which you prefer to make a backup copy of database and the program will save it on the Cloud safely. It takes only few seconds to make the backup copy in a separated file saved in a separated folder assigned for these backup copies, you can restore these copies at any time.
  • All your data, invoices and files of the program are kept in full confidentially and it’s impossible for anyone or customers to see any of these invoices or price offers except those whom these invoices and price offers are issued for.
  • A full protecting from manipulating with stores, expenses and revenues.
  • Making a backup copies of the database which makes the program safer.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for tires and batteries stores

Free updates at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:
There are free updates via our website all the time so your program will always be updated with the latest updates for free and this will save time and effort for users.

Technical support team at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries:
There is a technical support team who is ready to answer all your inquiries via (phone – What’s app – Email – live chat). This team is for giving solutions for all problems and to achieve the customers’ demands.

You can see more features of “Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for the stores of tires and batteries” through creating a trial account…

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